Finance Affiliate Program Add Process
Before you proceed, please make sure that the company you wish to add is not already listed by entering a keyword from the company name in the directory search area above and pressing the "go" button. If the supplier is included in the search results list, then just click on their name to see the current listing, and click on the update listing button located at the bottom of their current listing if you wish to make any updates.
Once you have verified that a supplier is not currently listed, the supplier listing process consists of seven easy steps.
The update process consists of seven easy steps.
1. Personal Identification | For quality control purposes we only accept updates from individuals that have provided their contact information so we can follow up with any questions we may have. |
2. Basic Supplier Data | Review and update basic supplier information including name, telephone numbers, web site, and headquarters address and contact names. |
3. Goods and Services | Review and update the products and services provided by the supplier |
4. Company Background | Review and update the company background description. |
5. Branch Offices | Review and update branch location information if applicable. |
6. Final Review | Review the full supplier listing with your updates and make additional changes if necessary. |
7. Feedback and Demographics | Give us feedback about the update process and provide some demographic and contact information. |
We will send you an e-mail when your update has been made publicly available, or requesting clarification if necessary.
Step 1: Please begin by telling us your e-mail address and pressing the continue button.